Steel Panther
19 March 2010
Brixton Academy, London
I’d read Classic Rock journalist Dave Ling had opted for another gig this evening, feeling Steel Panther are a band you only need to see once. Well my feeling after this show is that he’s not far wrong. I’d actually enjoyed my previous two experiences of Steel Panther but was left cold tonight.
My first encounter was the band’s debut headline UK show at the far more intimate 229 Club. Aside from being much closer to the band, the surprise of not having heard any of the jokes before made for a very amusing evening. The show later in the year at the Shepherds Bush Empire was still enjoyable despite the repitition of jokes. I’d never choose to see a comedian three times on one tour as you’d expect the same jokes and that’s the case tonight. For me the impact was lost and I should probably have waited until the band return with a refreshed show.
What further compounded things was the venue itself. A Steel Panther show is essentially half music, half stand up. Whilst the music came across great, a lot of quick fire banter between the band members was lost by the cavernous nature of the Academy.
This is not to say a Steel Panther show is not worth seeing. Certainly if I’d never seen them before and was in a position to hear all the dialogue I would have enjoyed the show. I also wouldn’t want to spoil it for anyone thinking of going by repeating all the jokes here.
The show was being filmed and Steel Panther were obviously taking things up a level tonight with on stage ramps, occasional pyro and confetti cannons. They’d even invested in a team of local strippers to join them onstage for Stripper Girl.
The actually high point for me tonight was when the songs were played. Taking away the comical un-PC lyrics, Steel Panther’s album is actually a very solid rock album and the catchy songs both work and are played well live. As ever the band encore with some 80s classics. Motley Crue’s Shout At The Devil seemed a bit lost on half the crowd who seemed here for a heavy metal piss take rather than a tongue in cheek celebration of 80s hair metal. Paradise City however ensures everyone can sing along.
Word is Steel Panther will appear on the mainstage at Download this year and the fact that event organiser Andy Coping once again introduced the band makes that very realistic. I just hope for those watching there’s consideration given to ensuring the dialogue is audible in what is sometimes a windy field. Though I suspect I may be checking out another stage this time.
Steel Panther set list:
Eyes Of A Panther / Eatin’ Ain’t Cheatin’ / Fat Girl / Party All Day / Hell’s On Fire / Stripper Girl / Asian Hooker / Turn Out The Lights / Girl From Oklahoma / We Want Pussy / Community Property / Shocker / Death To All But Metal / Shout At The Devil / Paradise City
Steel Panther