Anthrax / Kill II This
4 July 2003
Astoria, London

This was the my third Anthrax gig in four months and familiarity had certainly not diminished my anticipation, but where was everyone from the last Astoria gig? The attendance was well down on that night, which was surprising considering how strong a performance that was and can only lead me to think that the audience that night was made up of a lot of old fans, who had now had their shot of nostalgia.

We arrived in the venue in time to catch the tale end of Kill II This` set. You have to feel some sympathy for Mark Mynett and his tenacity. Had Kill II This been from the US, they no doubt would have been much bigger than where they find themselves now. However, I can`t help but feel that the addition of Phil Bretnall`s hardcore style vocals and performance is more of a concession to current trend and it doesn`t seem to work outside of an actual hardcore band.

Just prior to Anthrax`s appearance a good few late arrivals turn up and the balcony is opened to a respectful attendance. A change from the last Astoria gig was the addition of a We`ve Come For You All backdrop as oppose to the Robert DeNiro Raging Bull one. The opening is the same however, with the Blues Bros. Intro linking into Contact followed by a swift one-two of What Doesn`t Die and Black Dahlia.

Despite the reduced turnout, which must have been visible from the stage, the band are as lively as ever. It`s difficult to imagine seeing a bad Anthrax performance on their current form. Got the Time gives Frank Bello a chance show of his skills and the pit erupts for Caught In A Mosh. Scott Ian had offered some hints on new songs on the set list this time, but Crush came as a pleasant surprise and did what it says on the tin. Other new additions were the thirty seconds of 604 and a heavied-up Be All End All. Indians made the main set and was accompanied by a fan in Indian head dress, who John Bush rescued from the bouncers to allow him to spend the whole song dancing along on stage - nice touch.

Scott Ian introduced Metal Thrashing Mad, conceding that the Fistful of Metal LP had the worst album cover ever. A curtailed cover of Number Of The Beast followed, to the surprise of the audience and Charlie Benante it would seem, who was laughing and shaking his head in apparent disbelief that they were actually playing it. UK favourite I Am the Law finished a very strong set.

Anthrax gigs are certain to leave you smiling, as this one did, but also disbelief that they aren`t getting more exposure and playing to bigger crowds. Having seen a number of dull uninspiring sets from many of the nu-kids on the block at Donington, it`s to be hoped the younger fans in attendance tonight pass on the word to their friends that Anthrax remain very relevant.

Anthrax Set List:
BrosBlues Bros. Intro / Contact Intro / What Doesn't Die / Black Dahlia / Got The Time / Caught In A Mosh / Antisocial / Madhouse / Crush / Safe Home / Black Lodge / 604 / Indians / NFL / Only / Be All, End All / Metal Thrashing Mad / Number of the Beast / Bring The Noise/ I'm The Man / Bring The Noise / I Am The Law